Albumus Morbus*

You may know it as “the listing disease.”

I have contracted it. It comes as a common side effect to making a life list and attending Camp Mighty, or from being an innately organized, point-driven person. (See counteractive example of Desk at Work, which is host to myriad bullet points written on scraps in a post-it leaf-pile, 70-deep, that needs raking and placing in orange trash bags specific to the purpose).

So, to drive the point home (the point, GET IT?!?), a list to encompass all that I need to do, and WILL be doing in the near and very busy future:

  1. Post about Camp Mighty, with pictures.**
  2. Rehash driving to Palm Springs, CA and haphazardly from Palm Springs, CA in an erratic drive all over SoCal and The Longest Road in Arizona. Describe being in the car 32 hours with yourself without swerving purposely off one of the many cliffs presented to you by the lovely, southwestern landscape.
  3. Do 10,000 things for work, including a bunch of boring stuff that I will not include here because of the boringness. It’s boring.
  4. Edit 10,000 photos.
  5. Sleep.
  6. Vacuum before the dog hair collecting under beds and in corners forms itself into one living, breathing, keratinous monster and asks you to braid its hair.
  7. Mail a turquoise necklace.
  8. Choose and retain a Twitter handle without obsessively changing it.
**Or more pictures, anyway. Like these:
You didn’t know I came from space?
CAMP MIGHTY: TEAM 3 (Andrea is not pictured, we were waiting for her, and neither is Amy, who ran away)
And to make up for Andrea’s loss in the previous picture, CHECK IT:
Don’t mess with her.
Let’s break, people. Be well, see you soon, STAY CLASSY, etc.


*If this is not the correct Latin translation for “listing disease,” I don’t care.

Margit Love these photos. Your costume was my have of the night!11/16/2011 – 8:15pm

SAWK Gosh! Thanks, Wendy.11/16/2011 – 1:10pm

Wendy Adore these photos!! You are a talent, Sarah!!11/16/2011 – 10:01am

Aimee On the sooner side of later, I would love to hear about items 1 and 2– and because I am terrible at it, get back to me on #5 if you have any pointers (“point”-ers, GET IT?!?). Regarding #7: Thanks, sis, I love turquoise! Heh, heh. Just messin’ around…which brings me to item 8. Are you serious? Are you going to become a twitter-er? As the wave of the future sweeps you along, I will be moving back into the stone-age by no longer having internet in my apartment. Take care, Sar. Talk soon. Much love.11/15/2011 – 5:49pm

Andrea Howe Dude, I look scary don’t I? Ha! Don’t mess with me, I’ll jack you up!11/15/2011 – 1:50pm

Jen This made me happy. HI SARAH!11/15/2011 – 1:18pm

Camp Mighty. | Blog con Queso […] at SAWK Photography ⇒ Albumus Morbus and A Mighty Post, in Theme and in […]11/22/2011 – 3:20am
