View from Today

I am tallest in the morning when the light melts everything into sharp, golden relief. So is everyone.

The mountain looked so blue today that I thought for a moment that I was wearing polarized sunglasses. I wasn’t! – It was just deep and navy on its own. And the clouds that bruised the sky in heavy purples and dark greys finally brought water, fat slaps cracking on the glass of windshields and windows, brief, angry, and then over, like a temper tantrum that washes everything into calm.

Really, nothing smells as good as rain coming in the desert – pure, fresh, clean, sweet, pungent, tangible . . . It is not just the infrequency of the scent – the whiff of your gone grandmother’s perfume, the missed familiar smell of a friend when you hold and hug after a long time – though that is part of what makes it so lush, so gorgeous, so welcome, but it is exotic and comforting, new and homey in the same breath. It is exhilarating in the most steadfast of ways.

You’re all welcome to come visit and sniff the air like an excited dog with his nose in the rushing air of a 60mph car ride.

Speaking of dogs:

Things are changing. Be well.

Love, love, love.



